Peace Scientists work for peace
If you are not actively working for peace, you are continuing war.
At home, in your community, in your country: are you at peace or at war?

Is your neighbor at peace or at war?

Peace is not about giving in to bullies and oppressors.

Peace can be won nonviolently, in fact, the only way to peace is through nonviolence.
Sunday Evening Talks: 7pm on Sundays. Not every Sunday. Check here for upcoming talks.

Quaker Fellowship and Silent Worship is online every Wednesday:
-5:30pm Philadelphia time: greetings and fellowship
-6:00pm: silent meditation, silent prayer, messages if so led (could be a quote, a reflection, a prayer, a song)  
-6:30pm: any reflection that did not rise to being a message during silent worship, introductions, concerns, fellowship.
You are welcome wherever you are, this link will take you directly to the meeting
Meeting ID:  813 3180 5733
Passcode: 190526
Fridays at Fettermans: Philadelphian peace activists rally against American imperialism and genocide every Friday three blocks from Independence Hall click here
Puerto Rico protests the US-funded genocide of the Israeli colony of Palestine. This includes rallies from different groups all around the island, Madres Contra La Guerra, the Protestant seminary, and a student camp at the University of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States of America, and everything changed in 1899 when its masters switched from Spain to USA, and in 1917 when Puerto Rican activists succeeded in acquiring US citizenship for everyone born in Puerto Rico. That came at a cost, which continues to affect every Puerto Rican. Click here
Resistance vocabulary click here
Nobel Peace Prize 2015 awarded to 4 groups uniting for peace and stability in the north African country of Tunisia click here
Friends built and hatched click here
Walking across the bridge to Philadelphia click here
Farai and Natasha rap for peace; Natasha wants to train as a physician click here
Goats on vacation click here
Make peace with the earth. SJ Dodgson MJoTA 2014 v8n2 p0923

We declared war on the earth the minute we learned how to start a fire, how to burn wood and oxygen into ash and that stayed on the ground and carbon dioxide that floated in the air.

We can declare peace by accepting that we do not own the earth, we are merely stewards passing through, and our duty is to cut down use of resources, and cut down waste.

1. Walk, ride a bicycle or use public transport.

2. Do not buy or accept plastic water. Drink tap water in the United States and Europe. Recycle all plastic.

3. Bring buckets into the shower and use the run-off to flush the toilets and water plants.

4. Collect rinse water from washing machine and use it to water tomatoes, peppers, spinach, soy beans.

5. Do not buy too much food. Have a small fridge that goes under the table so you don't have the possibility of loading it with food you will throw out.

6. Avoid processed food. Bread, that is ok, make it yourself if you can. Avoid buying anything that comes in a paper or plastic box.

7. Avoid canned and fresh fish. Overfishing and trash has decimated the fish populations, and the world's coral reefs and turned the oceans into trash dumps.

Peace Scientists celebrates Martin Luther King jr by remembering Bayard Rustin. Bayard lived a Quaker life in deed as well as in faith click here.
Moms Demand Action click here
Madres Contra La Guerra
A weekly rally in Hato Rey, the business district of the city of San Juan outside the Israeli Consulate since October 2023 click here
Universal Declaration of Human Rights click here
Rainwater click here
Synagogue in Freiburg im Breisgau, burned to the ground by Germans supporting Hitler in 1938, memorial garden until 2015, when all traces of Jewish life and genocide were obliterated by German Greens click here
Yes, Quakers served a free lunch until Dec 2015. In Camden, every 2nd, 4th, 5th Sunday click here
Escape through barbed wire in Germany click here
We can only save our planet, Earth, if we change how we live, and if we repair that which we have destroyed, evolving list of how we can do this click here