Peace Scientists work for peace
You are invited to Wednesday Meeting for Worship

Friends from the Monthly Meeting of the Friends of Truth of Philadelphia

Gather virtually in Philadelphia where the American Revolution started, and where cool heads wrote the Constitution of the United States of America. In pre-pandemic, we met at the 4th and Arch Street meeting house, which was built over a Revolutionary War graveyard (very likely I have relatives who were buried there); currently we meet by Zoom, and you are invited.

You are invited to join us from 5.30 pm Eastern time (US & Canada) each Wednesday. We greet each other, talk about concerns and joys until 6:00 pm when we sit quietly in unprogrammed worship for 30 minutes.

If you are moved to give a message, say a prayer, sing a song, quote from secular or religious books, you are welcome to do so. We only ask that the message come from the heart and be brief, and be understood to fit in with the prayerfulness of the meeting; we have a chance to turn it into a discussion after the meeting is broken by the host saying "Good evening".

All are welcome to give messages that come from the light of God that lives inside us all. Only one, we listen in silence and do not respond verbally. If you have something to say that does not seem to you to be an inspired message, you will be invited to share it at the rise of meeting for worship, along with any concerns you have.

Just show up and introduce yourself at 5:30pm! We will welcome you, we do not ask for money, trusting you to take care of yourself and others that you can help. (If you are led to donate to Arch Street Friends aka Monthly Meeting of Friends of Truth of Philadelphia, you certainly may.)
Sunday Evening Online Talks page click here

Meeting for Worship

in the

Religious Society of Friends of Truth,
aka Quakers

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Wednesday Meeting for Worship,
Every Wednesday

5:30pm socializing
6pm, silent worship
6:30pm concerns and discussion

Meeting ID: 813 3180 5733
Passcode: 190526
Sunday Evening Talks are posted on YouTube, and can be watched on two channels, DrSJDodgson and Peacescientists, with older talks on another channel, LoisWickstrom.